To you who feels this way
Long time no see. Here I am with the new motivation which I got from the person whom I adore. What is failure? Everyone has their own point of view about “failure” right? When I was in senior high school, my dream job is to be chemistry teacher. I got one chance at the time when I was accepted in applied chemistry department but at the end I chose pharmacy. So, I thought that I was failed because I cannot be a chemistry teacher anymore. Thank God during college years I can teach chemistry. Yeah, I was being a chemistry assistant. I was so happy because God gave me another chance to experience what I was dreaming about.

When I was a pharmacy student, I felt failed again. Why? I myself felt that being a pharmacy student is not that easy. I mean, I need much money and it’s just disturbed me all the time. I felt sad, I don’t want my parents get in trouble with all these money things.
From those failures I learnt something. It’s grateful, why? Being grateful will not decrease your happiness even the contrary. 

Unfortunately, many people will underestimate us when we’re in their failure point of view. When I was in national university (literally it’s academy), some people would like to say that i was lucky. In the future I will get a good job, they say. The contrast happen when I was in private university. “Where is your campus?” “What’s the accreditation of your campus?”. The opposite happened.
Whereas studying in national or private university is not related to our success in the future. That’s true we can’t just choose the campus without decide the best for us. Butttttt not all the stereotype are 100% true. So, for those who are failed in passing the test of national university, don’t be sad.
Talking about our success, it’s relative. It’s back to you. Don’t be too busy measuring someone’s success.

Recently, someone just asked me about where I do work. “What’s hospital?” I said “it’s not hospital. I am not working as a pharmacist for now”. She suddenly said “What? How come? You were graduated from pharmacy, weren’t you? What do you want to do then?”. Back to yourself dude. Learn about those stuffs doesn’t mean we have to be like that. I mean for me, there are some essential things when we earned at university. We learnt about time management, perseverance and the way we fix something. So, you don’t directly judge someone because what he/she has chosen for his/her life.
For me, after doing these things out of my knowledge gives me another chance to learn something new. At my working place I even met so many people with different background. So I think that working in different field is not bad at all. As long as that’s good and still have meanings for other then it’s okay. 

If we looked at the successful people, some of them also did the same. They come from different background. Let’s say Jack Ma was graduated from English college as a teacher. Chairul Tanjung works as an entrepreneur instead of being a dentist. Gitasav works as an influencer instead of scientist. 

You might be felt failure because your friends ahead before you. Either it’s study, marriage, work or chasing the new degree. Keep praying and do more effort. If you believe what’s in do’a you will know its magic. More gratefulness will make us better.
